The Faithful Few...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Yes, it's all a bunch of baloney!

I didn't start this blog to talk about politics, but as with most other things I'm easily distracted. Like everyone else, I've been caught up in all of the excitement of the campaigns.

The real purpose of this blog was to provide myself, and anyone else with as short of an attention span as mine that cares to read this, with a little amusement. And as my good friend, Don Evans, would say -- it was definitely little. It doesn't take much to amuse me; I've never been sure if that's a sign of intelligence or stupidity.

Once upon a time... don't all tall tales start this way? Back before the turn of the century, when I was a young boy scout, I was walking home from school one day. I got to the corner of Studebaker Rd and Excelsior Dr (just to take those of you from Norwalk, CA back in time). The light was red and there was an old lady standing on the corner, waiting to cross the street. She was struggling with 3 bags of groceries. You know, the old brown paper bags weren't as easy to handle as the plastic ones with handles, but I digress...

Anyway, being a good boy scout, I asked if I could help her get across the street with her bags.

She said, "no, thank you", as she struggled to keep from dropping one of them.

I grabbed it just in time to keep it from spilling all over the sidewalk, and into the street. Just then the light turned green, so I just started across the street. I figured I'd help her whether she wanted it or not.

All of a sudden I felt a dull thud on my shoulder. She whacked me with her cane, and was chasing me across the street! Now we were in the middle of the street, and I thought stopping there wouldn't be very smart, so I ran the rest of the way across. She kept swinging her crooked, old cane, and managed to whack me good one more time.

As I handed the sack back to her I apologized, "gee lady, I was just trying to help you with your groceries, I didn't mean to upset you."

"I told you I didn't need your gol-darned help! There's important stuff in that sack."

I apologized again, and ran off towards home. I wanted to put some distance between me and her cane.

As I slowed back down to a walk, I couldn't help but think about what was in the sack. I decided that it must be a bunch of baloney, just like I've been feeding you all this time! LOL


About Me

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Kaysville, Utah, United States
I feel about as old, dry and crunchy as this fall leaf. Maybe that's why I hate raking them so much -- it's like turning away those that are kindred spirits. That's probably as good of an excuse as any. No matter what the excuse is, it's just an excuse...
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