The Faithful Few...

Monday, May 30, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...


Welcome to Springtime in the Rockies! Yes, it's Memorial Day, May 30, 2011, and we woke up to snow in our yard. Certainly not a lot of snow, but we're just "on the benches" -- that's in the foothills to you flatlanders. It rained most of the night, and got cold enough just before dawn to turn to snow. I wonder how this is going to affect the motorcycle races that are scheduled for this afternoon. There certainly won't be the usual number of bikini tops in the crowd.
Friday, May 27, 2011

A new look... and a new musing

It's been forever since I posted anything here. I've been so busy working on a new company start-up (Digital Innovations), building websites for clients (Housing Authority of SLC, Crestview Medical Group, Find a Web Pro, Find a Computer Pro), and refurbishing my own site (Keep On Keepin' On Development and Design), that I haven't had much time for other musings.

I have a Facebook friend that LOVES Paul McCartney, so she posts things about him pretty much daily. Those of you who know me have to know that I can't refrain from commenting on such things. Her favorite response to me is "shut your cake hole". I found the perfect picture to go along with this:

Clear back in my elementary school days, my report cards always said "he doesn't play well with the other children." It wasn't me that didn't play well with them -- it was them not appreciating my sense of humor. I have to admit that "Mr. Warmth", Don Rickles, was always one of my favorites. He always saw the dark side of things, and had an unkind word for everyone. I have often told my kids that my purpose in life is to be contrary. In our PC (politically correct) world today, everyone thinks they have to be warm and fuzzy. My job is to provide opposition, thus I do my best to be cold and prickly. If you need a caring arm around your shoulders, and someone to wipe your nose, go find your mommy! If you want my sympathy, I'll be happy to wipe your nose, then I'll wipe your tears with the same section of tissue. Hey, you can't say I didn't try to be helpful!

Seriously though, I appreciate those of you that put up with me. You're a brave bunch.

About Me

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Kaysville, Utah, United States
I feel about as old, dry and crunchy as this fall leaf. Maybe that's why I hate raking them so much -- it's like turning away those that are kindred spirits. That's probably as good of an excuse as any. No matter what the excuse is, it's just an excuse...
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