The Faithful Few...

Monday, May 30, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...


Welcome to Springtime in the Rockies! Yes, it's Memorial Day, May 30, 2011, and we woke up to snow in our yard. Certainly not a lot of snow, but we're just "on the benches" -- that's in the foothills to you flatlanders. It rained most of the night, and got cold enough just before dawn to turn to snow. I wonder how this is going to affect the motorcycle races that are scheduled for this afternoon. There certainly won't be the usual number of bikini tops in the crowd.


Fifi said...

Bikini tops! Hilarious!

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Kaysville, Utah, United States
I feel about as old, dry and crunchy as this fall leaf. Maybe that's why I hate raking them so much -- it's like turning away those that are kindred spirits. That's probably as good of an excuse as any. No matter what the excuse is, it's just an excuse...
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